Gaza, Lebanon and Israel – What will happen?

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Gaza, Lebanon and Israel – What will happen?

John Wharton 08-17-24

Hey Friends. Here’s a Bible Thought for today. 🙂

I Hope this article helps you understand what’s going

going on in the Middle East.

God says in Bible Prophecy that He is angry with Gaza and Lebanon!

But why?

Because of Injustice they did to Jerusalem a long time ago.

Let’s look –

Joel 3:4 ISV Furthermore, what have you to do with me, Tyre, Sidon, and all the sea coasts of Philistia? Are you taking revenge on me? If you are taking revenge on me, I’ll send it back on you swiftly and promptly,

Tyre and Sidon those great ancient shipping cities represent all of Lebanon.

Look what they did to the people of Jerusalem in ancient times.

Joel 3:5 ISV since you took my silver and gold, carried my precious treasures into your temples,

Joel 3:6 ISV and sold Judah’s and Jerusalem’s descendants to the Greeks, so you can remove them far from their homeland!

But that was a long time ago John. And God forgives!

Well . . God forgives individuals. But God remembers a LOT of what nations have

done to Judah and Israel!

And in the Prophecies God says He is going to PAY them back for what they did!

Oops . . . . .

Joel 3:7 ISV Look, I will bring them up from where you sold them, I will turn your revenge back upon you,

Now we’ve seen a lot of that Prophecy fulfilled already. But more will come.

Many Jewish people have returned to the land of Judea.

They called it Israel because they knew more people of Israel will be restored!

And Israel now has a thriving technology and economy!

An Overview of Israel’s Economy

“Israel is one of the most resilient and technologically advanced economies in the world. A small nation in terms of land area, Israel stands at the crossroads of three continents—Asia, Europe and Africa. It shares its borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Despite regional geopolitical challenges, Israel has built a strong, stable and free market economy from scratch, which has demonstrated the ability to endure periods of crisis. Israel is a ‘high income’ nation as per the World Bank classification.”

SO God says this will happen to the people of Gaza and Lebanon –

Joel 3:8 ISV and I will sell your sons and daughters into the control of the people of Judah. And they will sell them to the people of Sheba, a country far away.” Indeed, the Lord has spoken.

And other prophecies pick up this theme for Gaza –

Amos 1:6 ISV This is what the Lord says: “For three transgressions of Gaza —and now for a fourth— I will not turn away; because they exiled the entire population, delivering them to Edom.

Amos 1:7 ISV So I will send down fire upon the wall of Gaza, and it will devour their fortified citadels;

Amos 1:8 ISV and I will cut off the inhabitants of Ashdod, along with Ashkelon’s ruler. I will turn to attack Ekron, and the rest of the Philistines will die,” says the Lord God.

And for Lebanon –

Amos 1:9 ISV This is what the Lord says: “For three transgressions of Tyre —and now for a fourth— I will not turn away; because they delivered the entire population to Edom, and did not remember their covenant with their relatives.

Amos 1:10 ISV So I will send down fire upon the wall of Tyre, and it will devour their fortified citadels.”

Oh well John . . . . that has already happened to Tyre in the past . . .

Well but Friend . . there is more to come . . .

Joel 3:9 ISV “Declare this among the nations: ‘Prepare for war! Wake up your elite forces! Let all the soldiers draw near! Call them up!

Joel 3:10 ISV Beat your plow blades into swords, and your pruning knives into spears! Let the frail say, “I am strong!”

Joel 3:11 ISV Hurry and come, all you gentiles! Gather yourselves together!’” Lord, cause your mighty army to come down.

Joel 3:12 ISV “Let the nations be awakened and come to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; because I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations.

Joel 3:13 ISV Put in the sickle, because the harvest is ripe. Come and go down, because the winepress is full. The wine vats are overflowing, because their evil is great!

Joel 3:14 ISV Multitudes, multitudes in the Valley of Judgment! For the Day of the Lord is near in the Valley of Judgment!

Joel 3:15 ISV The sun and moon will grow dark, and the stars will stop shining.

Joel 3:16 ISV The Lord will roar from Zion, and shout from Jerusalem. The heavens and the earth will shake, but the Lord will be the refuge of his people, and the strength of the people of Israel.”

Now if you know much Prophecy then you oughta recognize that that is some Armageddon style talking right there Friends!

Beat your plow blades into swords . . .

So it’s not time for the Millennium of peace quite yet!

Multitudes, multitudes in the Valley of Judgment! For the Day of the Lord is near in the Valley of Judgment!

Nations will be drawn into that the area of Megiddo for judgment!

The sun and moon will grow dark, and the stars will stop shining.

Now Jesus talked about events like this at the time of His Second Coming –

Matt 24:29 ISV “Immediately after the troubles of those days, ‘The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken loose.’

Matt 24:30 ISV Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all ‘the tribes of the land will mourn’ when they see ‘the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory.

So regardless of what the United Nations thinks – The Gaza Strip and Lebanon have a date with destiny and God!

And Israel will have all the area!


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