Is their Life on Mars after all?? . . . Simple Life

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Hey Friends. Here is another Bible Thought for you. 🙂
I hope these help you and make you think.
I really enjoy doing this Bible Thoughts.
There is a LOT of Interesting and sometimes
Concerning News out there. 😀
And I truly hope you enjoy these and are
encouraged by them.
July 25, 2024

“NASA’s Perseverance rover has bagged its first hint of ancient microbes on
“We’re not able to say that this is a sign of life,” says Perseverance deputy
project scientist Katie Stack Morgan of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena,
Calif.  “But this is the most compelling sample we’ve found yet.” ”

December 16, 2014

“SAN FRANCISCO — NASA’s Curiosity rover has caught a whiff of methane in
Mars’ atmosphere and has for the first time detected organic molecules in rocks
on the planet’s surface.

“After two years, we’re basically declaring we had a major discovery,” Curiosity’s
chief scientist John Grotzinger of Caltech said December 16 at the American
Geophysical Union’s annual fall meeting. ”
“The scientists Susan Iglesias-Groth, of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
(IAC), and Martina Marín-Dobrincic, of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena,
have discovered the presence of numerous prebiotic molecules in the star formation region IC348 of the Perseus Molecular Cloud, a young star cluster some 2-3 million years old.

Some of these biological molecules are considered essential building bricks for
the construction of more complex molecules such as the amino acids, which
formed the genetic code of ancient micro-organisms, and brought about the
flourishing of life on Earth.”

WOW! Do you think it’s possible that God has made simple life or the precursors
for life all through this Universe??
What do you think??

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