God Makes All Things Work Together!

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Hey Friends. Here is another Bible Thought for you. 🙂
I hope these help you and make you think.
And I truly hope they encourage you.

Romans 8:28 New American Standard Bible –
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who
love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

I really suspect this is the best way to understand Romans 8:28.

Just cause we are Christians does not guarantee that all the events in our lives
are going to come together to make a good result for us.
We know that is true.

But Paul still wrote this verse . . .

Now IF we are a Christian – and IF the Father does love us as His children –
Then it does make sense that He will Enter Into all of our Life and work around
in it all to help things to come out in a way that accomplishes what God wants
and that is Overall Good for us!

QUESTION – Does that make sense Friends?? 😀

If ya look at those words “called according to His purpose” in the Strong’s
Concordance you will notice stuff like –
We’re called forth, invited . . .
God’s setting forth, His proposal . . .
And of course, we are called into that plan . . .

NOW that’s what I – not a Greek speaker – see there.

Think about Paul’s situation that time . . .

In Acts 21:30 -31 a mob sees Paul in the Temple and assumes he has brought
uncircumcised men in with him!
Makes me think about what my Boss told me one time.
He said John don’t you ever ASSUME . . .

If you do you’ll make a 😀 our of U and ME!
I remembered what he said!

Do Christians ever assume and make dumb decisions?? 🙂

So this mob was going to kill Paul!

Acts 21:31 ESV2011 And as they were seeking to kill him, word came to the
tribune of the cohort that all Jerusalem was in confusion.

But the Romans(!) came to the rescue!

Now finally – after some time – Paul saw that he wasn’t going to get the justice
that he needed in Jerusalem.
So he appealed to Cesar!
Paul was a native born Roman Citizen.
So he could do that!

THOUGHT – So if you have Legal Rights then Use Them!

And after a shipwreck Paul did get to Rome to see Cesar!
A shipwreck too??
Well I guess it was exciting . . . 🙂

And In Rome Paul was a powerful witness of the Gospel message!

So there God entered into a Disaster I n Paul’s life and worked it around to get
Paul to Rome as a POWERFUL Christian Witness.

God did tell Paul that He would get him to Rome!

Acts 23:11 ESV2011 The following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Take
courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you
must testify also in Rome.”

Map Courtesy of – Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.
Hope this blessed you and you learned something.

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