By Any Means Possible!

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Hey Friends. Here is another Bible Thought for you. 🙂
I hope these help you and make you think.
And I truly hope they encourage you.

Some of us were eating. And one told us about his Prison Ministry.
I thought his testimony was great.

It inspired me.
So I told them about my Online Ministry here on Facebook and in my Website.

So this other fellow got up to leave and told me he really didn’t believe much in all this Online Ministry stuff . . .

He hurt my feelings a little.

But the others at the table were really impressed with what God had given me to Minister with.

I told them about how I had Bible Studies in Facebook several times each week.
These studies and other Bible Thoughts that I Post reach people in Pakistan, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, India and Bangladesh!
People on the other side of this planet whom I will never meet in this life.
But these studies and Bible thoughts encourage and help people.
They give Ministers ideas for Messages they must bring to the people in their Churches.

These Online Ministries that many of us do reach untold numbers of fellow Christians in other parts of this world. I believe that we give help that otherwise would not reach many of them.

You see, The New Ministry Today of Preaching the Gospel and Teaching Bible Doctrine and Truths ONLINE is JUST like the New Ministry in Paul’s day of writing letters to teach the Church the Gospel, Doctrine and other important things about our Bible.

Both of these Mechanisms allow us to share knowledge of God’s Word to others all over this planet. We probably won’t ever meet any of those we help in this life. But we may be pleasantly surprised to find out on the other side how many people we have helped to become and be better Christians.

A Google Search Question had this thought for me –

Why did the apostles of Jesus write letters to the newly established Churches?

Paul’s Mission And Letters | From Jesus To Christ – The First …
He writes letters as a mechanism for further instructing them in his understanding of the Christian message. You see it’s Paul who starts the writing of the New Testament by writing letters to these fledgling congregations in the cities of the Greek East. (This Bold Emphasis is mine).

Another Google Question Search got me this answer –

Which was the first epistle in the new testament?

The first letter WRITTEN in the New Testament is either Paul’s letter to the Galatians or his first letter to the Thessalonians. (Their Bold Emphasis). They appear to have been written about the same time, around 48 AD. Scholars debate which of the two was written first.Mar 29, 2022

Much of the Church at that time was in persecution.
Not all could just move to another area to preach the Gospel.

But Paul was well educated.
And he could write his epistles to the Churches.
We get our Church Doctrines largely from Paul’s epistles.
So don’t look down on those who use the current Social Media of the day to get the Gospel message out.

Paul did say this –
1Cor 9:22 ISV To the weak I became weak in order to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some of them.

Paul became “all things” and “all people” Both =
Strong’s G3956 πᾶς pas (pas’) adj.
πᾶν pan (pan’) [including all forms of declension]
πάμ- pam- (pam’-) [soft prefix]
all, any, every, the whole.

And that “by all possible means” =
Strong’s G3843 πάντως pantos (pan’-tōs) adv.

  1. entirely.
  2. (specially) at all events.
    1. (with negative, following) in no event.

THOUGHT – Paul became all to reach all so that any might become a Christian.


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