A Population Time Bomb!!!

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A Population Time Bomb!!!

Some think so.
There are just too many people on this earth!
And our planet just can’t support all of us with enough
resources – food, water . . . Oh My!!

I found a really interesting article about this called –
Are 8 billion people too many — or too few?

View Article. Dated 04-19-23

Look at this article. It has some interesting info on the Excess(??) Population.
They say this excess population fear is “an old fear that dates back to the grim
prophecies of the 18th-century English cleric and economist Thomas Malthus,
who wrote that “the power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in
the earth to produce subsistence for man.” Hmmmmm

The article continues saying that “He has thus far been proven wrong — even
with a global population more than 7 billion people larger today than in Malthus’s
time, life is a whole lot better and longer on average — but his influence can still
be felt in certain corners of environmentalism.”

THOUGHT – Well that is interesting. Life now is Better and Longer!!

As a Christian I’m inclined to think that surely God built enough resources into
this earth’s system for the population that He knew we’d have on this planet.

Gen 1:31 ISV Now God saw all that he had made, and indeed, it was very good!
The twilight and the dawn were the sixth day.

QUESTION – What do you think Friends?? Is this earth in for trouble with too
much Population? Or has God put enough resources on this earth for all of us??

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