Revelation 15: Kings from the East

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12 And the sixth poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates; and its water was dried up, that the way of the kings from the rising of the sun might be prepared. Rev. 15:12

This Lesson Outline was prepared by John M. Wharton October 4, 2006

Sources –

All bible text, unless otherwise indicated, is the Darby Translation. ASV indicates the American Standard Version, with KJV indicating the King James Version. Quotations are often included from various classic Christian commentaries such as John Gill’s Expositor, Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, Robertson’s New Testament Word Pictures, and others. Greek and Hebrew word definitions are often included from the Strong’’s Concordance, unless otherwise indicated. All of these sources, both the bible texts, commentaries, and Strong’’s definition’’s are taken from the excellent source the e-Sword Bible computer program unless otherwise indicated.

Watching the news –

It’s fine to watch the news with an eye to Bible prophecy. But we must always remember that what is going on in someplace in the world today, may change significantly, or totally, in a few days or weeks. A trend that seems to fulfill prophecy may play out and change, or completely reverse itself over time, and the trend you thought you saw may turn out not to be any such thing. Or it may simply continue to be a general trend but not develop any further clear shape within your lifetime.

Revelation 15 – the kings from the east

Some of the far eastern nations have grown tremendously, over the last several decades, in economic and military power. China has grown steadily over the last almost thirty years in industrial capability. Some reports indicate it probably cannot be sustained for too much longer. They have already reached a point of competition with the west for oil and are able to exercise power on the U.N. Security Council over matters that concern their suppliers. India’s industrial and military prowess has grown significantly as well.

China, Iran sign biggest oil and gas deal. October 31, 2005 . China Retrieved October 2, 2006.

China’s Economic Growth Faces Challenges. February, 2005 . Amber Waves Homepage Retrieved October 2, 2006.

ALL BUSINESS: Risks of Emerging-Markets 09-26-06. September 29, 2006. Retrieved October 2, 2006.,4670,AllBusiness,00.html

And Japan seems to be headed, considering the recent election of a more nationalistically minded Prime Minister, toward the rebuilding of greater military capability with a mind toward projecting that power beyond their borders if necessary. This is a departure from the current attitudes reflected in their constitution written by American forces after World War II who were concerned that Japan should never invade any of her neighboring countries again. Both China and South Korea share concern about that.

New PM Shinzo Abe Pledges to Make Japan Decisive Force. September 29, 2006. Retrieved October 2, 2006.,2933,216569,00.html

But there is also the matter of relations between China, Japan and the other Asian countries in regard to Taiwan off the shore of mainland China. Both the United States and Japan want Taiwan to stay free of occupation. But China’s growing military capability, including in the area off Taiwan, is a matter of grave concern to them.

Two-Headed Monster America and Japan need to settle on one policy towards Taiwan. June 26, 2006 . The Weekly Standard. Retrieved October 2, 2006.

Who will predominate in the area? Or will it be an alliance of several, holding others at bay?

John, in his revelation, saw the time of the completion of God’s wrath and judgments upon this earth. It is the seven years we call the Great Tribulation. In the Revelation’s chapter 15 he saw the last seven angels pour out bowls of God’s judgments upon the earth. When the sixth angel poured out his bowl, the great river Euphrates was was dried up. And John says that was done to prepare the way for the kings from the east. Literally, they are from the rising of the sun.

Rev. 15:12 And the sixth poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates; and its water was dried up, that the way of the kings from the rising of the sun might be prepared.

These mysterious kings of the far east are destined to invade the Middle East during the Great Tribulation. Somewhat earlier in the Tribulation, a confederation of powerful nations from the uttermost north had unsuccessfully invaded Israel, under the leadership of a man called Gog in Ezekiel’s chapters 38-39. God stopped them from succeeding. Those forces, lead by Gog, had tribal names familiar in Ezekiel’s time including Magog, Meshech, Tubal, and others. Magog listed first, seems to be the largest among these peoples. Magog was a son of Japheth, the son of Noah.

1 And these are the generations of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth; and to them were sons born after the flood.

2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.

Some writers have observed that the tribal name Magog is seen not only in the far north, but in the far east as well. We can see from this that Japheth’s descendent’s moved in large numbers into the east much more than into the west.

God will pull remaining leaders of the earth’s nations antagonistic toward Israel into the area of Israel, to the Valley of Meggido, and there destroy them. John saw demonic spirits go forth persuading them to do this.

13 And I saw out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, as frogs;

14 for they are the spirits of demons, doing signs; which go out to the kings of the whole habitable world to gather them together to the war of that great day of God the Almighty.

15 (Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches and keeps his garments, that he may not walk naked, and that they may not see his shame.)

16 And he gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armagedon.

17 And the seventh poured out his bowl on the air; and there came out a great voice from the temple of the heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

18 And there were lightnings, and voices, and thunders; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, such an earthquake, so great.

19 And the great city was divided into three parts; and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon was remembered before God to give her the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath.

They may be lured in with the idea of good oil sources, and strategic positioning in the Mediterranean, the soft underbelly of the European lands and markets. Whatever the reason, they will see an opportunity and will invade. John does mention “kings” from the east and so it must be a confederation of eastern countries.

But the invasion will not be succeed. God Himself will enter into the situation and defeat them. The wording in our translation gives the sense that this is the last outpouring of such intense wrath during the time of the Great Tribulation.

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