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2 Corinthians Studies
The Bible Adventures
By John Wharton
Downloadable Notes
2 Corinthians 1 - The Father comforts us in our afflictions. ES
2 Corinthians 2 - Forgive the excommunicated brother. ES
2 Corinthians 3 Paul talks about his work at Corinth ES
2 Corinthians 4 - we have the light of knowledge of God's glory. ES
2 Corinthians 5 - we have a heavenly body from God. ES
2 Corinthians 6 - Don't take God's Grace in Vain. ES
2 Corinthians 7 - We have these promises from God. ES
2 Corinthians 8 - offering for the poor Saints in Jerusalem. ES
2 Corinthians 9 - Macedonia is ready and you still aren't. ES
2 Corinthians 10 - Some don't realize Paul is Christ's also. ES
2 Corinthians 11 - You accept False Teachers more than me. ES
2 Corinthians 12 - caught up into paradise, unspeakable words. ES
2 Corinthians 13 - Test yourselves, are you in the faith. ES
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